The BNMC Notice Board is a very significant tool that enables both the professionals and the students to be kept aware of what obtains in the area including but not limited to all the changes, regulations, fees, dates of examinations, licensing procedure and many other important issues. This platform is important for each person who participates in the process of nursing and midwifery education, practice, and public health since it helps them to follow deadlines and be guided by modern regulations.
The Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council (BNMC) is primarily focused on the nursing regulatory and midwifery regulatory activities in the country as the competent authority recognized responsible for preserving and overseeing the midwifery and nursing educational and ethical overall standards across the country. To achieve this objective, BNMC performs one of the founding tasks of training and licensing nursing and midwifery professionals as well as other healthcare professionals and competently manages the health system in the country. In fact, it is BNMC that greatly influences the nursing education, its practice and the overall healthcare system of Bangladesh.
Bnmc Notice Board – Notice December 26, 2024
SL | Title | Post Date | Download |
টেন্ডার নোটিশ | ২০২৪-১০-২২ | ||
পরীক্ষার কাজে ব্যবহৃত ট্রাংক প্রেরণ সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-১০-২২ | ||
স্পেশালাইজেশন নার্সিং ও সহযোগী কোর্সসমূহের পরীক্ষার রুটিন | ২০২৪-১০-২০ | ||
স্পেশালাইজেশন নার্সিং ও সহযোগী কোর্সসমূহের পরীক্ষার প্রবেশপত্র ও হাজিরাশিট প্রিন্ট | ২০২৪-১০-২০ | ||
টেন্ডার নোটিশ | ২০২৪-১০-২০ | ||
স্পেশালাইজেশন নার্সিং ও সহযোগী কোর্সসমূহের কেন্দ্র তালিকা | ২০২৪-১০-১৭ | ||
পরীক্ষক তালিকা প্রেরণ প্রসঙ্গে | ২০২৪-১০-১৭ | ||
কম্প্রিহেনসিভ পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণদের রেজিস্ট্রেশন সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-১০-০৭ | ||
১ | কম্প্রিহেনসিভ পরীক্ষার ফলাফল প্রকাশ সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-১০-০৪ | |
২ | স্পেশালাইজেশন নার্সিং ও সহযোগী কোর্সসমূহের পরীক্ষার ফরম পূরন সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-১০-০৩ | |
৩ | কম্প্রিহেনসিভ পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য নির্দেশনা | ২০২৪-১০-০৩ | |
৪ | কম্প্রিহেনসিভ পরীক্ষার আসন বিন্যাস সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-১০-০৩ | |
৫ | তৃতীয় মাইগ্রেশনের আবেদন সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-১০-০৩ | |
৬ | কম্প্রিহেনসিভ পরীক্ষার প্রবেশপত্র সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তি | ২০২৪-০৯-৩০ | |
৭ | কম্প্রিহেনসিভ পরীক্ষার তারিখ সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তি | ২০২৪-০৯-২৫ | |
৮ | মৌখিক পরীক্ষা সংক্রান্ত নোটিশ | ২০২৪-০৯-২৫ | |
৯ | ২০২৩-২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষে ২য় অপেক্ষমান ও মাইগ্রেশনের ফলাফল | ২০২৪-০৯-১৫ | |
১০ | কম্প্রিহেনসিভ পরীক্ষার ফরম পূরণ সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-০৮-২৮ | |
১১ | ১ম বর্ষ ডিপ্লোমা ইন মিডওয়াইফারি কোর্সে ক্ষুদ্র নৃ-গোষ্ঠী-আদিবাসী সম্প্রদায়ের বৃত্তির আবেদন সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-০৮-১৯ | |
১২ | নার্সিং ও মিডওয়াইফারি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান ক্লাস চালু সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-০৮-১৫ | |
১৩ | কমিউনিটি প্যারামেডিক কোর্সের পূনঃমূল্যায়নে উত্তীর্ণদের ফলাফল | ২০২৪-০৭-২৮ | |
১৪ | নার্সিং ও মিডওয়াইফারি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান সাময়িকভাবে বন্ধ সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তি | ২০২৪-০৭-১৭ | |
১৫ | ১ম বর্ষ ও ২য় সাপ্লিমেন্টারি পরীক্ষার প্রবেশপত্র ও হাজিরাশিট প্রিন্ট সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-০৭-০৪ | |
১৬ | ১ম বর্ষ ও ২য় সাপ্লিমেন্টারি পরীক্ষার কেন্দ্র | ২০২৪-০৭-০৪ | |
১৭ | ১ম বর্ষ ও ২য় সাপ্লিমেন্টারি পরীক্ষা সংক্রান্ত পত্র | ২০২৪-০৭-০৪ | |
১৮ | ১ম বর্ষ ও ২য় সাপ্লিমেন্টারি পরীক্ষার রুটিন | ২০২৪-০৭-০৪ | |
১৯ | ২০২৩-২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষে ২য় মাইগ্রেশনে আবেদন সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-০৭-০১ | |
২০ | প্রতিষ্ঠানের অনুমোদনের মেয়াদ বৃদ্ধি সংক্রান্ত | ২০২৪-০৬-২৬ |
Purpose of the BNMC Notice Board
Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council (BNMC) Notice Board is an essential tool for the communication of nursing and midwifery students, teachers and professionals throughout the country. The main objective of the Notice Board is to disseminate useful information that is pertinent to the education, licensing and practice of nursing and midwifery.
Key Purposes of the BNMC Notice Board:
- Dissemination of Critical Information: The BNMC Notice Board helps to keep other members of the Board informed that essential information such as examination schedules, revision of particular subjects, and licensing periods will be communicated to them well in advance. This ensures that both students and professionals are maintained within the right information and do not miss important events.
- Monitoring of Regulations: Because nursing and midwifery are recognized as regulated professions there is a need to communicate to the Board the changes that have been made to the practice guidelines, regulations or requirements that are applicable through Notice Board. This assists in promoting the quality of health care services as professionals do adhere to compliance with set out national standards.
- Empowerment of Nurses and Midwives Through Information: The BNMC Notice Board extends helpful tools aimed at the professional growth of nurses and midwives even further by putting up notices regarding job offers, training activities, conferences and many other development opportunities. It educates them on the best way to professing in their career and keep many of the professions updated with the current knowledge necessary.
- Centralized Resource for All Stakeholders: The Notice Board constitutes a common resource for students, teachers, healthcare establishments and its practitioners. All the pertinent notices are placed in one database and thus, one does not have to search sensitively through the BNMC to find and keep the important notices up to date.
- Facilitating Examination and Licensing Processes: The Notice Board states where to apply for an examination, when to apply for it, when will some results come in, and what assistance might be required. It helps in giving out new registration requirements and renewing licenses, eliminating confusion and time wastage amongst the professionals who wish to get registered or obtain practicing licenses.
- Enhancing Communication between BNMC and the Community: Accessibility of BNMC Notice to Nursing and Midwifery Community aims at redressing any communication barriers that may exist between the nursing and midwifery council and the nurses and midwives as well as promoting accountability within the council to the public. It also has provided a ‘notice board’ for every significant notice, thus, the BNMC brings all the necessary skills to everyone on how to take part in the processes that help them professionally.
Types of Notices Published on the BNMC Notice Board
The BNMC Notice Board has a significant range of notices that deal with the professional and career advancement of nursing and midwifery students and practitioners. Therefore, it is endeavoring to discuss some of the most responsive types of notices published in the platform:
Examination Notices
Examinations are one of the most vital aspects of Australian Nursing and Midwifery education. The Notice Board in the BNMC usually keeps students up to date with the following exam related information:
- Exam Dates and Schedules: Such notices contain when and where venues will be for the exams or special arrangements that may be made regarding attendance as well as which exam Centre will be allocated to an individual.
- Application Deadlines: This kind of notice gives students the timelines within which they can apply for the exam and the documents they are required to submit.
- Results Announcements: After all the examinations have been done, the notice board displays the examination results or the further actions to be undertaken by those who have passed or failed the examination.
Registration and Licensing Notices
The process involved in Registration and Licensing is very important to any individual qualified as a nurse or midwife based in Bangladesh. The notices under this category include:
- New Registration Guidelines: Information on the registration process with BNMC for those who have recently completed their training, what the necessary paperwork and costs are and steps undertaken in order to register.
- License Renewal Notices: License holders who are practicing must update their licenses on a regular schedule. Such notices indicate last dates, costs, and other common changes related to the process of renewal.
- Licensing Exam Schedules: For practitioners undergoing registration or licensing renewal, schedules and preparation guidelines will be posted on the notice board. Others require them to sit for the out licensing examination to be allowed to practice.
Curriculum updates and Notices of Educational Programs
The nursing and midwifery curricula in BNMC are frequently revised to uphold global healthcare education standards. This includes notices that cover such issues as.
- Courses Changes: Once the BNMC makes changes in the curriculum, or there is an introduction of any other sickness course, these are given as notices on the notice board. This is to ensure that the students and the teachers are updated with changes in the education system for better outcomes.
- Training and Certification Programs: Stating new or specific courses or offered training, workshops or certification programs at BNMC, push to draw attention and help professionals to develop their knowledge and skills.
Council Meetings & Policy Decisions
It is mandatory for every BNMC professional to regularly attend professionally affiliated meetings primarily for other purposes apart from clinical work. These topics will be covered on the notice board to the general public.
- Announcements of Upcoming Council Meetings: Announcements of forthcoming meetings are also made so as to cater for individuals who are in the stakeholders independently of the council or in support of its decisions.
- Policy and Regulatory Decisions: Significant decisions agreed upon during council meetings, degreed changes in licensing practice, levels of education, hours required for completion of the course and ethics of practice are given as evaluations.
Employment and Engagement Opportunities
The BNMC Notice Board acts as a link between educational entities and healthcare employers posting various job positions for nurses and midwives.
- Job Vacancies: Positions, whether in public health or in public and private government sectors, are continually made available, rendering nursing and midwifery practitioners to new scope of practice.
- Internship Programs: Information on internship programs or any temporary nursing employment for students or fresh graduates is also put up on the notice board.
- Application Instructions: Every job or internship notice posted is accompanied with information on the process for sending application, due dates, and the criteria that is set for applicants
Approaches to Additional Education
Professional development is necessary in all fields, especially in healthcare. Notices in this category include:
- Workshops and Seminars: Every nursing and midwifery practitioner is keen on information pertaining to pre-announced workshops, conferences, and seminars which are poised at developing nursing and midwifery skills and knowledge.
- Continuing Education Programs: From time to time, the BNMC provides its active practitioners with opportunities to receive CPD courses to do their professional work and to be aware of innovations in healthcare.
- Specialized Training: There are also posts pertaining to specialized training for instance a new nursing course that can include advanced nursing skills that will assist the specialists in refining their niche.
Orders of Discipline and Revision of the Code of Conduct Implemented
The BNMC regards both nursing and midwifery as advancing professions with a clearly defined professional code of conduct. Notices under this category include:
- Disciplinary Actions: Whenever the professional breaching these rules is sanctioned by the council, the notice is made through the notice board system so as to remain accountable.
- Ethics and Professional Guidelines: Ethics and professional standards for practice of nursing and midwifery are not static, rather, they are posted in the notice board whenever there are such alterations.
Health Advisories and Advisories of Emergencies
In case of public health emergency or crisis ten the BNMC helps distribute the information to the healthcare community by working with Ministry of Health and other agencies:
- Updates regarding Pandemic or Epidemic: In a public health emergency of such a nature like pandemics or conquest of disease, the notice board has information on the relevant response plan, precautions, and immunization.
- Emergency Policies: Policies to be adhered to by nurses and midwives during a public health emergency have been uploaded to help safeguard the health of patients while giving care.
Inviting for Participation in the Studies and Collaborations
The BNMC implements the professional development of nurses and midwives by inviting them to take part in the studies which will prove beneficial for the healthcare system:
- Research Initiatives: Announcements on the existence of grants, research fellowships as well as institutional research partnerships on both global and local level are posted on notice boards regularly.
- Call for Papers and Research Proposals: Notices inviting professionals to submit research papers or proposals for upcoming healthcare conferences or publications are shared.
Important Reminders and General Announcements
In addition to the main categories, the notice board contains often general reminders and announcements:
- Holidays Announcements: Occasionally, BNMC affiliates including offices and examination centers are closed due to public holidays. These notices help to provide advance notification about cancellations of offices and rescheduling of center activities in advance.
- Other additional reminders: Important reminders such as deadlines, submission of forms, and other administrative issues that need to be addressed in anticipation of the impending deadlines by both students and professionals are posted on.
How to Access the BNMC Notice Board
It is well known that the BNMC notice board is available for students and practitioners of midwifery and nursing. Most of the notices are being made online thus it is easy for the users to be in the know regardless of where they are.
How to Use the BNMC Notice Board Online
It is in recent times, the easiest and most utilized way of checking the BNMC Notice Board. This notice board works as a digital board that helps all the nursing and midwifery professionals in the country access all important information necessary.
Step by step procedure on how to reach the notice board online ‘’
Step 1: Go to Official Website:
To the official BNMC site follow this link-
Step 2: Locate the ‘Notice Board’ section:
Most likely, once on the homepage, you will be able to find a ‘Notice Board’ section on the main navigation bar or a ‘Notice Board’ section on the homepage itself.
Step 3: Go through Recent Notices
The Notice Board will present other recent notices as well including notice for examinations, recruitment notices, revised curriculum, and many more. Such notices normally contain the subject of the notice, when the notice was published, and a link for additional information.
Step 4: Follow a Notice for Further Description:
This usually happens when you click on the title of the notice. It will take you to a particular notice with all the required details regarding that notice. A user is able to print out any related forms and other information contained in any notices posted.
Step 5: Search for Specific Notices
The BNMC website usually has a search or filter tool in the notice board page. This helps users to select particular notices that they are looking for by category, date or keyword. Common use would be for example searching for exam results or licensing renewals or job advertisements.
Accessing the BNMC Notice Board via Social Media
Besides the primary website of BNMC, it also has important announcements posted on its social networking sites, thereby helping the users to access vital information even while on the move.
How to Access BNMC Notices via Social Media:
Step 1: Follow BNMC’s Social Media Accounts
Social media pages have been created and maintained by the BNMC on platforms including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. They can be followed by type in the names of the official pages and accounts including Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council.
Step 2: Look for Posted Notices
Links for new posted notices are regularly featured in the social media pages with information about what was covered in the update. Such updates are most of the times redirecting the user to the website where details are provided.
Step 3: Enable Notifications
Remember to enable notifications for new posts from BNMC’s official social media accounts, so as to make sure that no important news ever passes you by. Thus, new notices and announcements will be delivered to you instantly.
The Need to Check the BNMC Notice Board Frequently
Checking the BNMC Notice Board is important not only for nursing and midwifery students but also for nursing and midwifery professionals. Not following important announcements can create problems, for example, missing the date for exams or renewal of licenses or completing training that is very important.
Keep Yourself Informed Regarding Schedules and Results of Reports
The exams form the backbone of the nursing and midwifery education process. As need arises, the BNMC Notice Board is always updated with the exam schedules, venue information, exam application cut off date and the exam results.
- Frequent Checking for Timeliness: For students who do not have the habit of frequently going over the notice board, they may easily miss important information such as when the examinations will take place or when students are expected to send in their applications which may at some point delay their studies or graduation.
- Avoiding Unnecessary Rush: Right through the examination period, students are able to avoid anxiety that always comes with last minute preparations and handling of requirements as they are able to timely take care and meet all the requirements.
Keep Track of Licensing and Renewal Deadlines
In Bangladesh, it is obvious that practiced nurses and midwives have to possess a relevant license to practice lawfully. License renewal letters, registration notices, and changes in the licensing policy are always advertised on the BNMC notice board.
- Prevent Penalty of More Serious Offences or Loss of License: Professionals and their respective contractors or employers do not however learn this lesson until it is too late when they miss dependent notices, that is some people have missed advertisement cut off dates or miss the board renewals not knowing that deadlines are set.
- Timely Compliance with Regulatory Changes: The BNMC licensing procedure might be modified, or new requirements might be put in place. Frantically looking at the notice boards regularly, these clinicians can maintain compliance to prevent any suspension in their operations.
Access to Job and Career Opportunities
The BNMC Notice Board also contains information on employment opportunities, volunteering and internship opportunities or any other activities for the professional development of nurses and midwives.
- Use of Advancement in Job Postings: For the active users of the notice board, they will be able to take advantage that placement or internship programs for a certain job will be issued early. This may help in maximizing their chances of getting the position.
- Opportunities for Professional Growth: To improve certification status, notice boards also contain information on further education, training, and conferences. Constantly searching for such offers would lead members of a profession to upgrade their qualifications and achieve career advancement.
Stay Informed About Curriculum and Policy Changes
Nursing and midwifery education programs contain various course components which should be changed at specified intervals of time so as to match the levels of most of the countries healthcare systems. In relation to this, all the changes that are made in the BNMC Notice Board are connected with changes regarding the curricula and additional courses which are offered to students.
- Ensure Academic Compliance: For the students and the educators, it will be important to avoid the notice-board as this may lead to accumulation of outdated curricula and violate the primary ‘academic culture’ of instructional design.
- Adapt to New Educational Requirements: If the BNMC launches new undergraduate programs, course requirements, or even new education oriented regulatory legal acts, a frequent inspection of these materials would lead the students and educators to be able to adopt such changes in their learning or teaching plans with some reasonable ease.
Access to Training and Professional Development Programs
The workplace home(File Health) nursing and midwifery conference earlier opened for the nurse professionals training or updating of skills. It is a common feature in the notice board of BNMC that workshops, conferences and continuing education programs are advertised.
- Enhance Professional Expertise: The notice board regularly displays irrelevant materials such as new training programs that may be essential for improving clinical practice and as a result, management of competitive abilities within the healthcare sector.
- Meet Continuing Education Requirements: Certain professional licenses are time-bound and require a specific number of continuing education hours to be observed. Such programs being offered would be relevant, why professionals could never be behind schedule whenever such requirements are in order.
Stay Prepared for Public Health Alerts and Emergency Notices
In times of pandemic, war or any other disaster the notice board is an effective and reliable means of communication for relevant health interventions and emergency messages that would arise from the crisis.
- Know How to Act in an Emergency: Looking at updates is the other way to ensure that healthcare practitioners receive timely protocol information, safety measures, or any other content that may influence their operations during a public health emergency.
- Enhance Patient Safety and Optimizing the Code: Those professionals up-to-date with current public health notices will be able to manage patients in a better way and more importantly, their activities will respect the health policies in force during that time.
Monitor Decisions Made by BNMC Policies
The BNMC also provides the public with spotting of future council meetings, in particular with respect to policy decisions related to nursing and midwifery practice and any changes in their regulation. This is helpful for all the audiences including students, teachers and health practitioners.
- Be Aware of Policy Changes: Learners will be encouraged to be peremptory and persist in checking the notice board on a regular basis to note if there have been any changes made, if any changes were made in professional ethics, professional conduct, or any legal aspects of any of their professionals. This is important in ensuring that members do not commit mistakes that may be considered as legal breaches.
- Engage Yourself in Policy Initiatives: Other notices displayed on the notice boards provide information regarding the occupation of the council or a particular committee and invite individuals to review the proposed rules and comment. Individuals who visit the notice board often can take part in discussions on such hot questions where practice and learning meet.
Avoid Transmission of Critical Reminders
The BNMC Notice Board also serves notice of general reminders such as holidays, days when the office will be closed or other announcements pertaining to schedule deadlines for submission of documents such as forms.
- Elaborate: User awareness of administrative deadlines aids in meetings and administrative requirements such as submission of forms and appendages since most users frequently visit the notice board.
- Take administrative procedures heads up: a solicited standing order can inform students or professionals about the status of office hours and office closures so that they do not waste time and effort when they come to BNMC offices.
Questions and Answers
How many times in a month is the BNMC Notice Board updated?
A: There is a stand notice board that has several other notices which they notice regarding bnmc announcement updates that people can refer to every time, including updates on exams, licensing and job prospects.
Can I get new notices by notifications?
A: Yes, students and professionals will easily subscribe to the email notification system of the BNMC with timetables and new notices.
What types of notices are published on the BNMC Notice Board?
A: The BNMC Notice Board includes various types of notices, such as:
- Exam Notices: Dates, application deadlines, and results for nursing and midwifery exams.
- Licensing Notices: Updates on registration, licensing, and renewal processes.
- Job Postings: Information about vacancies in the healthcare sector for nurses and midwives.
- Training Opportunities: Workshops, seminars, and professional development programs.
- Public Health Alerts: Guidelines and safety protocols in case of emergencies like pandemics.
- Policy Updates: Announcements regarding changes in nursing regulations, curriculum, and council decisions.
The notice board plays a crucial role in the lives of nursing and midwifery personnel in Bangladesh since it provides current information on education, licensing, employment or other relevant issues affecting their career development. By using this information for consistent updates so as not to miss important notifications, students and practicing nurses and midwives are not left behind. All crucial notifications regarding exams, vacancies, updates in the course of study and any other information that the nursing and midwifery fraternity would wish to be communicated is provided for on the BNMC Notice Board in the changing clouds of the healthcare system.